Well, we knocked out what seems like the longest month ever. How did everyone fare? It seems like everyone had explosive starts coming out the gate then towards the end things got a little shaky. It could have been due to missed deadlines, procrastination or anything else you can think of. Today I want to give you 5 tips on how to prevent burning out. Let’s dive in!
Know your limit
It is so easy to get bogged down with things like taking on projects from multiple clients, day to day life, if you're working full-time in addition to running a business and the list goes on honestly. Or should I say that it can go on? Sometimes you don't know how much you've taken on until it's too late. I'm speaking from experience my friends. My solution is knowing when to say no. I've taken projects on in the past that I wished I could have said no to. I misjudged thinking that I could take on a hefty job during peak season and got a spike in business then it turned into me putting in crazy hours to complete the bigger job in addition to the others. I didn't have a staff, what was I thinking?! Ultimately the clients were happy, but at the cost of sleep, time and sanity. Don't be afraid to say no or to ask for help even. I'll touch more on this in another point.
Time management
This is hard sometimes, but it can be done. I think working in time blocks is effective. Scheduling 1-2 hours to work on a single task vs multitasking is better in my opinion. Your attention isn't split, and you're solely focused on the task at hand. If you're not able to get things finished you can move to the next item on your list and get it knocked out before returning to the initial project with fresh eyes. There are going to be things that we can't get wrapped up in one touch unfortunately, but the quick hits won't eat away at a lot of your time. Prioritize the most important things that need to be completed. Creating deadlines for yourself leaves little room for procrastinating also.
It's crazy how much information that we take in on a daily basis. Numerous social media outlets, television, streaming services etc. Sometimes you have to just take a step back from the world to recalibrate. Technology is great, but it is also addictive. Choose a time each day that you can shut the power down, disconnect and just chill.
This calls back to my first and second points. Sometimes you reach your limit and you don't have enough time to tackle the smaller tasks. Consider outsourcing services, it'll keep you from pulling away from more important issues, free up precious time and allow you to complete more tasks in a shorter period of time. This is a tip I haven't been able to put into action yet, but I have offered video editing services to a fellow photographer in the past. He was able to save time because he didn't have to learn a new skill and he was able to work on his next project.
This is self explanatory, but not always easy. A full nights rest really goes a long way. Sure burning the midnight oil is ok sometimes, but if this is a frequent habit it won't benefit you or your client, employer etc. When I'm tired I can't focus on whatever is going on. I want to crawl back in bed, pull the sheets over my head and get a few more hours. My mind is everywhere else except what I need to be doing. Recharge your battery and get the proper amount of rest folks. Physically and mentally you'll be able to perform better. Did you know that people who have insufficient amounts of sleep have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke? Take care of yourself so you can take care of your customers.
There’s only one you, so take the necessary steps to ensure that you’re able to stick around for a bit. Thank you for reading and I hope you can take away from some of these tips I shared with you today.