Happy New Year!!!
Man, where did the time go? 2019 literally flew by for me. Can you relate? Like, I feel as if I may have possibly missed some parts! I’m kidding slightly, but I am excited for new beginnings. I have goals that I exceeded last year and there were some that carried over into 2020. I have had conversations with numerous people and everyone thus far has outstanding energy. I think this year a lot of amazing things are going to happen for a great deal of people. I don’t think this is just another year where people are just saying what they’re going to do without having a plan of action. Someone is going to have a breakout year, I just know it.
Two things I said I was going to do this year:
Post more to the blog. There were a lot of things I probably could have documented or touched on last year and just didn’t due to lack of planning or simply not having the time. I really want to make a better effort this time around.
It may be videos, images or my stories on Instagram, but I want to show my face more. I show the work, but never myself really and that doesn’t really give you guys a chance to get to know me or about me does it? I’m shaking things up slightly and moving things around lol!
In the past I have bitten off more than I can chew and then probably pushed things aside only to not return to them. If you have read my previous posts or this is your first time stopping by I want to thank you for coming into my little ol’ world of creativity. Check back periodically and keep me honest and by all means please hold me accountable for the things that I mentioned above. Please stay tuned as I push more content out thru my various outlets, and I’ll talk to you in the next post.